Resident Faculty Members

Accommodation Allowance

AU Faculty Members are entitled to an annual housing allowance according to AU pay scale which is payable in two equal installments.

Furniture Allowance

AU Faculty Members are entitled to a one-off payment payable in two (2) equal installments during the first year of service, depending on academic rank.

Annual Education Allowance

AU Faculty Members are entitled to an annual education allowance in accordance with the University’s education allowance policy which is payable in two equal installments. 

Air Ticket

Due to the multicultural nature of our staff members, at AU we understand the desire to return home on a regular basis and for that reason, we provide our employees' airfare to the International airport nearest to their hometown. Thus, the Staff Member, the Staff Member’s spouse and three (3) dependent children are entitled to one annual round trip economy class air ticket to the Staff Member’s home country after completion of each year of service.

Health Insurance

The University pays the entire premium for the employee coverage. If the employee chooses to have other members of the family covered (spouse and three of his/her children), the employee's share of the cost of this insurance will be deducted from the employee's pay (50% of premium).

End of Service Benefits

AU provides a gratuity scheme in line with the UAE Laws for its eligible employees.

English arabic placement enrollment aid college ratio asterisk plus question minus glass music search envelope-o heart star star-o user film th-large th th-list check close search-plus search-minus power-off signal cog trash-o home file-o clock-o road download arrow-circle-o-down arrow-circle-o-up inbox play-circle-o repeat refresh list-alt lock flag headphones volume-off volume-down volume-up qrcode barcode tag tags book bookmark print camera font bold italic text-height text-width align-left align-center align-right align-justify list dedent indent video-camera image pencil map-marker adjust tint edit share-square-o check-square-o arrows step-backward fast-backward backward play pause stop forward fast-forward step-forward eject chevron-left chevron-right plus-circle minus-circle times-circle check-circle question-circle info-circle crosshairs times-circle-o check-circle-o ban arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up arrow-down mail-forward expand compress exclamation-circle gift leaf fire eye eye-slash exclamation-triangle plane calendar random comment magnet chevron-up chevron-down retweet shopping-cart folder folder-open arrows-v arrows-h bar-chart twitter-square facebook-square camera-retro key cogs comments thumbs-o-up thumbs-o-down star-half heart-o sign-out linkedin-square thumb-tack external-link sign-in trophy github-square upload lemon-o phone square-o bookmark-o phone-square twitter facebook github unlock credit-card feed hdd-o bullhorn bell-o certificate hand-o-right hand-o-left hand-o-up hand-o-down arrow-circle-left arrow-circle-right arrow-circle-up arrow-circle-down globe wrench tasks filter briefcase arrows-alt group chain cloud flask cut copy paperclip floppy-o square bars list-ul list-ol strikethrough underline table magic truck pinterest pinterest-square google-plus-square google-plus money caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right columns sort sort-desc sort-asc envelope linkedin rotate-left gavel dashboard comment-o comments-o bolt sitemap umbrella clipboard lightbulb-o exchange cloud-download cloud-upload user-md stethoscope suitcase bell coffee cutlery file-text-o building-o hospital-o ambulance medkit fighter-jet beer h-square plus-square angle-double-left angle-double-right angle-double-up angle-double-down angle-left angle-right angle-up angle-down desktop laptop tablet mobile circle-o quote-left quote-right spinner circle mail-reply github-alt folder-o folder-open-o smile-o frown-o meh-o gamepad keyboard-o flag-o flag-checkered terminal code mail-reply-all star-half-empty location-arrow crop code-fork chain-broken info exclamation superscript subscript eraser puzzle-piece microphone microphone-slash shield calendar-o fire-extinguisher rocket maxcdn chevron-circle-left chevron-circle-right chevron-circle-up chevron-circle-down html5 css3 anchor unlock-alt bullseye ellipsis-h ellipsis-v rss-square play-circle ticket minus-square minus-square-o level-up level-down check-square pencil-square external-link-square share-square compass caret-square-o-down caret-square-o-up caret-square-o-right eur gbp dollar inr cny rouble krw bitcoin file file-text sort-alpha-asc sort-alpha-desc sort-amount-asc sort-amount-desc sort-numeric-asc sort-numeric-desc thumbs-up thumbs-down youtube-square youtube xing xing-square youtube-play dropbox stack-overflow instagram flickr adn bitbucket bitbucket-square tumblr tumblr-square long-arrow-down long-arrow-up long-arrow-left long-arrow-right apple windows android linux dribbble skype foursquare trello female male gittip sun-o moon-o archive bug vk weibo renren pagelines stack-exchange arrow-circle-o-right arrow-circle-o-left caret-square-o-left dot-circle-o wheelchair vimeo-square try plus-square-o space-shuttle slack envelope-square wordpress openid bank graduation-cap yahoo google reddit reddit-square stumbleupon-circle stumbleupon delicious digg pied-piper-pp pied-piper-alt drupal joomla language fax building child paw spoon cube cubes behance behance-square steam steam-square recycle automobile cab tree spotify deviantart soundcloud database file-pdf-o file-word-o file-excel-o file-powerpoint-o file-image-o file-archive-o file-audio-o file-movie-o file-code-o vine codepen jsfiddle life-bouy circle-o-notch ra empire git-square git hacker-news tencent-weibo qq wechat paper-plane paper-plane-o history circle-thin header paragraph sliders share-alt share-alt-square bomb futbol-o tty binoculars plug slideshare twitch yelp newspaper-o wifi calculator paypal google-wallet cc-visa cc-mastercard cc-discover cc-amex cc-paypal cc-stripe bell-slash bell-slash-o trash copyright at eyedropper paint-brush birthday-cake area-chart pie-chart line-chart lastfm lastfm-square toggle-off toggle-on bicycle bus ioxhost angellist cc ils meanpath buysellads connectdevelop dashcube forumbee leanpub sellsy shirtsinbulk simplybuilt skyatlas cart-plus cart-arrow-down diamond ship user-secret motorcycle street-view heartbeat venus mars mercury intersex transgender-alt venus-double mars-double venus-mars mars-stroke mars-stroke-v mars-stroke-h neuter genderless facebook-official pinterest-p whatsapp server user-plus user-times bed viacoin train subway medium y-combinator optin-monster opencart expeditedssl battery battery-3 battery-2 battery-1 battery-0 mouse-pointer i-cursor object-group object-ungroup sticky-note sticky-note-o cc-jcb cc-diners-club clone balance-scale hourglass-o hourglass-1 hourglass-2 hourglass-3 hourglass hand-grab-o hand-paper-o hand-scissors-o hand-lizard-o hand-spock-o hand-pointer-o hand-peace-o trademark registered creative-commons gg gg-circle tripadvisor odnoklassniki odnoklassniki-square get-pocket wikipedia-w safari chrome firefox opera internet-explorer television contao 500px amazon calendar-plus-o calendar-minus-o calendar-times-o calendar-check-o industry map-pin map-signs map-o map commenting commenting-o houzz vimeo black-tie fonticons reddit-alien edge credit-card-alt codiepie modx fort-awesome usb product-hunt mixcloud scribd pause-circle pause-circle-o stop-circle stop-circle-o shopping-bag shopping-basket hashtag bluetooth bluetooth-b percent gitlab wpbeginner wpforms envira universal-access wheelchair-alt question-circle-o blind audio-description volume-control-phone braille assistive-listening-systems american-sign-language-interpreting deaf glide glide-g sign-language low-vision viadeo viadeo-square snapchat snapchat-ghost snapchat-square pied-piper first-order yoast themeisle google-plus-circle fa handshake-o envelope-open envelope-open-o linode address-book address-book-o address-card address-card-o user-circle user-circle-o user-o id-badge drivers-license drivers-license-o quora free-code-camp telegram thermometer thermometer-3 thermometer-2 thermometer-1 thermometer-0 shower bath podcast window-maximize window-minimize window-restore times-rectangle times-rectangle-o bandcamp grav etsy imdb ravelry eercast microchip snowflake-o superpowers wpexplorer meetup icon-students icon-class-room icon-arab-world icon-globe-cap icon-world-map